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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We came from a rock ;-)

With all due respect, to everyone involved in the search for where we came from to those of us that are more conserned about where we are going from here, it would seem that we all agree we came from a rock ;-)

Just some of us believe it was an intelligent rock ..God, and some of you believe the rock you came from was nothing? or everything, or something?
Not withstanding an estimated 10 to 40th, to 1 odds of a yet unprovable chance for the leastest form of the simplest living cell..
Then calculate in millions of unique life forms male and female.I.D. That?
In light of the gross lack of evidence and in consideration of the fact that a theory is just that and in the 99.999 % of what we do not know and can not prove - I.D. can not logically be ruled out as just as possible a theory as the "theory of evolution"

Both are absolutely based in faith - one in a faith of hope for a heaven and life here-after.
The other in a hope that there is not an here-after, for in this case the here-after would be dark indeed!

God help us all.

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